We've had another snowstorm with blizzard conditions. It's a white world out there! Normal life comes to a near halt during times like this. Reports of both Greyhound and Amtrak canceling routes, Snoqualmie Pass over the Cascades closed due to rapidly falling snow, and people staying closer to home because of bad roads have been heard. It's been a good day to stay home.

The pets are cozy and warm inside, establishing territory on the comfy chairs as theirs. The dogs coats are long, as it's been too cold to clip them when we have 9 degree weather outside. They would be so cold with their usual Schnauzer cuts. They are now the Shaggy Schnauzers and loving it!

With the family all together, it was a relaxing day to catch up with events in the boys lives and to visit with Sally. University life keeps them busy. It's good for them to kick back awhile and recharge. Arriving from school with them are their computers and wires and gadgets galore. The family room has been turned into a computer lab with a Christmas flair!

In addition to surfing the net and chatting with friends, snow days are great days for working on a craft project. It was time for something new that I'd never done before. I thought maybe Sally would enjoy beading, so bought all sorts of wires, hooks, and beads at the craft store last evening. I felt like a fish out of water, but with the assistance of a helpful clerk and a beginners book, I made my selections. Beads of red, pink, blue, gold, pearl, and more were matched to gold wires and hoops.

Pliers and cutters were put to work as we threaded and bent and clipped. Beads were grouped in designs we liked and we strung to our hearts content.

Some of those beads were so tiny! Even with the ever helpful bi-focals, they were sometimes hard to manage. It was really fun to see how Sally and I each had a different 'vision' and used the supplies in completely different ways to create pieces that were unique and interesting. Even Brandon was pulled into the creation process, giving his spin to creative jewelry making.

It's hard to see them well on this plate, but we ended up with seventeen pairs of earrings! We put a snowy day to creative use! Some are Sally's. . .and some are mine. Since I don't have pierced ears, I've been counting up all my friends who do have them. . .and am thinking of being Mrs. Santa for them! I hope they are good enough for them to wear. Some of the bends and twists of mine could use some improvement!
It was a lovely day --- and I enjoyed having the family together again for the holidays.
Thank you for visiting Gracious Hospitality. Please come back soon!
Taken from http://www.gracioushospitality.blogspot.com/
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