Women in Black

Recently I saw a group of silent women in a downtown area, standing in a long row as though in mourning. It was a scene that you couldn't ignore, as their solidarity and demeanor caught your attention. I asked the woman at the end of the row what they were doing. She responded that they were part of a network of women who call themselves "Women in Black". They are not an organization, but rather a part of many groups of women around the world who stand in silent vigil to protest war and human rights abuses everywhere. Their mission statement says that they are silent because mere words cannot express the tragedy that wars and hatred bring. These women could have been preaching to the crowds on each street corner in this busy downtown, and I probably would have walked right on by. But their silence, oh their silence. How effective it in eliciting an emotional response. It served as a poignant reminder to me that there are wars and rumors of wars going on all over the world and that people are suffering as a result. Peace, elusive peace does not sound too sweet during times like this. Although I am not standing on street corners in silent vigil, I can pray for peace and do my part in promoting a peaceful existence. And it is with a prayerful heart that I appeal to you to do the same.

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Taken from http://www.gracioushospitality.blogspot.com/

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