Cooking with Amy has been chosen as Cool Blog of the Day!
If you have discovered this blog you undoubtedly fall into one of two categories--friend and/or family of Amy OR hip, cool, cutting edge type. Or you could be both. Why? Because blogs are "the next big thing". Let's face it, when AOL catches on you know they're on the verge of going mainstream America.
I did a little poking around before I got this blog started and here is what I found and like:
101 Cookbooks
"When you own over 100 cookbooks, it is time to stop buying, and start cooking. This site chronicles a cookbook collection, one recipe at a time." Wonderfully I might add. Heidi is not only an adventuresome, intelligent cook, she is also a terrific writer and photographer.
The Julie/Julia Project
"365 days. 536 recipes. One girl and a crappy outer borough kitchen."
Technically the year is over, but what a ride! Not for the faint hearted.
Knowledge is Power no matter how trivial log
While it claims to be a weblog "exploring the repository of all human knowledge" the area dedicated to food has a fine collection of interesting foodie blog links.
Saute Wednesday
"The site first started out as a list of links to articles about food on the web, and has developed into a long list of links to food web-sites, along with the sometimes sporadic ramblings of a person who is interested in food."
Sunday Supper
The site design is a little lacking, but it features truly wonderful recipes with very detailed instructions and notes.
Food Site of the Day
"Not Just Recipes BUT Food News! Food Ideas! Food History! Food Future! Food Customs! Food Information Centers" A little enthusiastic, but you get the idea.
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