New trends in French eating habits

What are the latest trends in French eating habits? According to the site, there are four new tendencies in eating à la française -- and three of them derive their name from English.

1. Neo-vegetarianism: France has never been known as a bastion of vegetarianism, but apparently dabbling in veggies is becoming more popular. According to the article, a French "neo-vegetarian" would never give up his or her weekly steak, but attempts to eat a vegetable-heavy diet most of the week.

2. "Le finger-food": sandwiches, tapas, portable food of all sorts: France is now in third place in Europe for this type of snack, behind Great Britain and Germany.

3. "Le nesting": In other words, enjoying a nice home-cooked home. It's funny someone had to invent a trendy, anglo-saxon term for a traditional French activity.

4. "Le dipping": I have been serving raw vegetables and dips at apéritif time for years, and it's nice to see the trend is catching on.

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