I am always just about the last person to jump on a trend. I can't commit to something until I am absolutely sure that all the cool kids are doing it, thus increasing my chances to be counted among them. (Note: use of the word "thus" will almost never get you into the circle.) I've seen roasted chickpeas popping up all over the place lately, and it's no wonder. Why wouldn't you want a delicious, salt-satisfying snack that's really, truly healthy? Not "healthy" in the way baked chips of thin cardboard or low-fat snack cakes of styrofoam are healthy, lacking, as they do, all actual nutritional value. I mean honest to goodness healthy: protein, fiber, folic acid and iron. And if you balk at drenching them in heart-healthy olive oil, you can even use spray instead.

The possible flavor combinations are endless. I happen to love spicy in a snack, so I went with a combination I found in Yamuna Devi's Yamuna's Table. She uses fresh ginger and chili powder, and I added a bit more salt. But if ever there were a moment when experimentation would surely yield a good result, now is that time. Oh, and cool kids? I'll be expecting my official membership card any day now.
Gingered Roasted Chickpeas
Adopted From Yamuna Devi's Yamuna's Table
1 pound bag dried chickpeas, soaked overnight and drained
Olive oil spary
2 tablespoons grated fresh ginger
1/2 salt, or more to taste
1 1/2 tablespoons chili pepper
Simmer the soaked chickpeas in a covered pan until tender, but not mushy. This could take anywhere from 1 -2 1/2 hours. It took me exactly 1 hour, so start checking early. Drain the chickpeas and dry them on paper towels.
Oven preheated to 325, place the chickpeas in a bowl and spray them with the oil. Toss with the ginger, chili and salt until well coated. Transfer the chickpeas to two baking sheets and spray with olive oil again, spreading them out into a single layer.
Bake for around 1 1/4 hours, stirring and re-spraying with oil every 15 minutes, until crispy. Enjoy!
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