I have been meaning to confess to Cuisine Quotidienne's April Fool's trick for a long time. But I kept enjoying the comments on how wonderful "my" Sunday April 1st meal looked, and basking in the idea that a few people believed that I could actually cook such a feast.
I thought some alert reader might find it strange that I was able to cook this great meal on the same day I left for a trip to the Tarn department, or would pick up on the "fish" reference that is part of most French April Fool's tricks:
"I would have preferred cooking a lighter main dish -- fish, for example -- but my daughters aren't big fish fans, unfortunately."
"I would have preferred cooking a lighter main dish -- fish, for example -- but my daughters aren't big fish fans, unfortunately."
In fact, April Fool's jokes are called "poissons d'Avril" here and often include a reference to fish. The classic school house trick is to stick a cut-out paper fish on someone's back for the day.
I did something even worse. Practically immoral. I let you think that I had prepared a fabulous meal with a dessert like this:

And you believed me, because you certainly recognized my kitchen tablecloth, where many of my photos for this blog are taken:

But I'm sure you can now see a slight difference in the quality and presentation of the two!
So it's time to tell the truth, and say it loud. This meal did not come out of my kitchen, but out of an excellent little restaurant in Rodez which just happens to use the same tablecloth I do. I was saving the photos for some little joke, and found it in my April Fool's post -- which was put up a few days late, but did refer to a meal on Sunday April 1st.
Thanks for believing I had made such a snazzy meal. But now it's time to give credit where credit is due:
Au Grain du Sel
2 rue Viarague
12000 RODEZ
(0)5 65 68 17 31
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