More quiches

Quiches are a great deal! Serve them with a salad, and you have a whole meal.
Here is the basic recipe of the batter for a quiche for 4-6 (a pan of 8 to 10 inches diameter):
A home made savory dough and
4 fresh eggs
1 cup light cream
1/2 cup whole milk
sea salt and pepper to taste.
Then you can let your imagination wander - and check what you have left in the fridge. You can add so many things!
Tomato, spring onions, and soft cheese quiche.
Onions quiche (brown 4 finely sliced medium onions in butter or oil over medium heat and add to the eggs mixture when the onions become translucid)
Blue cheese quiche with poppy seeds. Crush 1/4 lb of soft blue cheese (bleu de Causses, bleu d'Auvergne, fourme d'Ambert), and add to the eggs mixture. Sprinkle poppy seeds on top.
Usually you will bake in the oven over medium heat for 40 to 50 minutes, or until the batter has curd.

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