Whatever the reason, I've been tagged not once, not twice, but three times on the same subject, or variant, of "six random facts about myself."
I almost didn't go for it, since I had already written a magnum opus "TEN random things about myself" tag post last November for La France Profonde.
But I couldn't refuse three blogosphere friends: Meredith from Poppy Fields,
Alisa and Bruce from Notre Vie Juteuse (whom I just had the immense pleasure of meeting in Rodez,) and the writer of Discover the French Riviera.
So here we go:
1. The only drinks I really like are coffee, water and wine. I used to like beer, but seem to be growing disenchanted with it. I also used to be addicted to afternoon tea, but got turned off of it when I drank it every afternoon during a one-month hospitalisation.
2. I absolutely cannot bear to eat in what the French call "cafettes" or cafeterias, for example Flunch. They seem to enjoy a certain popularity here, but seeing all that hot food floating around in serving vats makes my stomach turn. I'd honestly prefer to eat at "McDo's."
3. I hardly ever use recipes anymore.
4. I have never had a dinner party culinary disaster take place in my kitchen.
5. I've eaten here four times, but before it became a Michelin three-star restaurant.
6. I've made homemade aligot once, and I don't particularly recommend the gruelling experience.
As for who to tag, I thought just for fun I'd start with The Foodie Blogroll and go from there to find some nice, unfamiliar food blog(gers) :
A Bon Vivant's Chow Chronicles
The Kitchen Canister
An Italian in the US
Cream Puffs in Venice
A Veggie Venture
I think I about broke my own personal link record with this one!
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