Let's have some fun: Allow me to introduce Tao, daughter Celine's 7 years old bichon. They live in Amsterdam (and I have Rijsttafel every time I visit her) and when I last visited .. his hair had gone a little wild indeed!
So we took the tram and took him to the grooming place. He had so many knots that trimming his hair was not possible ... the only thing they could do was .. shave him!
It was freezing when we left the "beauty parlor" and Celine wrapped him in her pea-coat to take him back home.
Once at home, we took and old sweater and made a black paltot for kind shaved Tao. He felt comfortable right away and didn't let anyone remove it! "Grrrrr" he'd say every time I tried to!
Don't you think he looks great in his black paletot, with the red leather necklace, and the two "charms" that show his name and registration number!
Isn't he cute?
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