DukeOEarl: Yeah, this is pretty generic-tasting for a jasmine /t/. I'm not a fan of green /t/ea. I can see how some people would like this, but I still personally cannot. It is definitely better than the average green /t/ even with the sketch, condom-like packaging. Give these to a girl who smells bad and you'll almost get a pu erh.
Tea_Pain: Damn it Duke. I just had a flashback and my nose inverted. As a final note, these "pearls" weren't so much pearls as they were...spitballs. These would've been perfect ammunition for middle school when we had those small straws for Capri Sun and shit. Above all though, this is still your average jasmine pearl /t/ but with a bit more acidity and a little less jasmine bite. I'm not convinced I'd ever need more than a sample of these when other tea shops have products that are easily just as good or, more likely, better.
What: Fragrant Pearl Jasmine Green Tea (Life in a Teacup)
How much: $1/sample
What kind: Green - Jasmine
Taste: Very jasminey. Like a spoiled Arabian princess.
Repeat Drinkability: 6/10 (For the price, it isn't outlandish for jasmine, making it the Lipton of jasmine pearls. Con...grats?)
Manliness: 3/10 (If this were any manlier, it would have a unibrow and make Jasmine look like Frida.)
Taken from http://theteablag.blogspot.com/
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