Roasted Bi Lo Chun

After hours of roasting the leaves didn't look too different, so I assumed they wouldn't taste too different either. I was wrong. The Bi Lo Chun has taken on an entirely new character. Surprisingly, there is almost no roasted taste at all. Instead, there is quite a bit of seaweed-ish richness that actually reminds me of a sencha. This starts to wane after the first infusion and it is replaced with a nuttiness that is characteristic of Bi Lo Chun, but was missing in this tea pre-roasting. Imen says that the tea will continue to change for a week or so, so I'll check back soon. I have the faint feeling that I've violated some taboo by roasting Bi Lo Chun, but I enjoy the post-roasted version much more than its pre-roasted counterpart.

Taken from

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