Kelli at There's No Place Like Home is having a "Show and Tell" today. I enjoyed seeing what those who contributed shared with others. Clarice from Storybook Woods told about a wooden doll from her childhood collection, and it reminded me of an interesting thrift shop find that I discovered yesterday. This handmade doll was made and signed by Granny Groler and was made in Windsor, Berkshire, UK. It was obviously made years back, but has received loving care. It was crafted with much detail. Real grains, seeds, and bits of tea fill containers and are set on a fringed tray. A tiny tea towel hangs from one side of the tray, and a soft blanket (for a picnic?) is pinned to the other. The 'tea wife' has a lace-trimmed underskirt, a big satin bow that ties on her white apron, and soft gray hair. She's interesting and I think I'll call her "Tea Wife Groler". What do you think?
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