What do you do with your leftovers? I do not like to eat the same dish twice, so I have to be creative! It's fun to think of a new dish or different presentation for something we have prepared (and probably enjoyed!). Sometimes I am even tempted to make more of the same to transform it into something new! It's important to point out that by using our leftovers - instead of shoveling them into the trash - we reduce considerably our carbon print! I think it is also a form of respect.
In France, French Toasts (above) are called Pain Perdu or "lost bread". Traditionally it was a way to use old bread - instead of throwing it away!
There is so much to do with old baguettes! You can use a piece left of a baguette to make toasts for breakfast - use a home made jam, a good cup of coffee ... and delect yourself! 
My good friend Elizabeth and I walk 90 minutes in the Bois de Boulogne once a week. We walk along two man made lakes and our walk is a good pretext to recycle her old baguettes, as you see in the picture! She feeds the ducks! We can also make (real) bread crumbs, which are going to taste much better than the industrial ones! Or tasty croutons for your salad!
>> Try to observe some simple rules to safely store your food ! Be careful to keep the food in the fridge in an air tight container, use it within two days of when it was first cooked, do not reheat a dish with a sauce more than once, do not freeze food that has been in the fridge more than two days.
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