As if anyone floating around the blogosphere on a Sunday morning could lack reading material...here are five interesting places to wander off to if you're into French cooking:
2. Today's Chicago Tribune features a recipe for Rosemary and Thyme cookies. I suppose the word "cookies" precludes this from being a truly French recipe, but I often add small amounts of those herbs to desserts, especially to apple-based ones.
3. My favorite French recipe site, Marmiton.org, does have an English-speaking version, letscookfrench.com. But with only 292 recipes compared to Marmiton's 37,979 and counting, I'm not sure Let's Cook French is getting off the ground.
4. I've eaten here four times, but haven't "gone up" since he got his third Michelin star. Just an idea for anyone coming through Aveyron who wants to take me out to lunch...
5. There must be a thousand links to pantry lists out there, but I quite liked this one from greatfood.ie. All right, I know it's not a French site! Do you have a favorite online pantry list?
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