When I was getting married I indulged in the pornography of bridal magazines. All those glossy photos, fluff and titillation designed to arouse an intense longing and euphoria. Well I thought it was part of the whole wedding experience anyway.
One of the features, in almost every bridal magazine is a piece on what you need to set up your household. Often this is in the form of a "Registry Checklist". On the surface this seems very useful. Unfortunately these lists are often straight out of the 1950's. Anyone you know use warming trays? Cordial glasses? Place card holders? Checklists designed to help typically range from the ridiculous to the absurd. In any case, most people are not moving out of their parents home and into their married home, there is usually some single time in there. So how do you figure out what you need when setting up a kitchen at any stage of life?
Jerry Gagnon has written a wonderful article in this past Saturday's San Francisco Chronicle about just what you do need to get your kitchen in working order. We're talking about basic things not fancy shmancy. Depending upon how ambitious you plan on being in the kitchen, there are some further options--but no warming trays! I concur with the recommendations but would suggest adding a heat-resistant plastic spatula, a cookie sheet, a cast iron pan for grilling and using in the broiler, and a big heavy dutch oven or covered pot for slow roasting, stews and soups.
Not only do I appreciate the article, but also the plug for my blog at the conclusion of the piece. Take a look at the article, Must-have gear for any kitchen Stocking up on good, durable cookware for under $150.
As previously mentioned, this blog was chosen by Forbes magazine as one of the best food blogs. While number 4 on Forbes list I am currently at number 2 in the readers poll. If you haven't had a chance to vote or just want to check out the latest results, click here to get to the poll.
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