
Easter weeek-end in Paris! Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday ... it's a weekend of celbrations.
Although Easter is a Christian holiday celebrating the re-birth of Jesus Christ, it is also part of Western cultures.
In Paris, the pastry and chocolate shops have chocolate eggs a plenty!
There are also chocolate hens (which lay the eggs), chocolate bunnies (English tradition), and chocolate bells. Traditionally in France, bells bring the eggs and hide them for children to find them on Easter Sunday. Around the season I decoarte my table with semi-precious stone eggs I have bought over the years in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Brazil, and Uruguay. Every year for as long as I remember I have bought a chocolate egg for each one of my dear daughters and husband Jean-Louis. I have delivered the Easter eggs myslef in many different countries when the girls were living afar - or sent them with a special messanger when I was lucky enough t have a friend going to the place where my daughters lived.
Daughter Celine came from Amsterdam for Easter and she will get her chocolate egg tomorrow. MaryLaure will get hers by the end of the month .
Happy Easter!

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