Missing Ron

We have lived in France for over four years now and Ron has come to visit us from New Orleans seven times.
Yes, seven.
It would have been eight, but he met us in Lucca last autumn instead of coming to France.

His next trip is booked for November. Yahoo!!!!

I've been thinking about him a lot lately as I went to New Orleans exactly one year ago for his surprise birthday party. Don't worry, Ron, I won't say which birthday...

Last year he came in March the two of us flew to Dublin for a couple of days on a cheap Ryan Air flight from Carcassonne. This was taken in some pub after many (too many?) pints.


Mardi Gras day 2007

In a piazza in Lucca

Jen and Ron

At his surprise birthday party last May

We love you Ron!
November can't come soon enough!

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