I thank fellow blogger Sam of My Carolina Kitchen for giving me the Kreative Blog Award. This award has allowed me to discover exciting blogs and passionate bloggers that I invite you to discover (viti Sam's blog for more)!
Seven things about myself?
Well, which one of my lives am I going to tell you about. I have recently added some pictures on the right side of my blog, a series that I have called "I have seen" with pictures of places where I have lived or visited. So, let's travel together!
I'd like to tell you that I was born in the US and my travel started when I was very little ... sailing in a ship South to Uruguay from where I visited Argentina, Chile, and Brazil ... before returning to the US for High School.
Later, I went all over with Jean-Louis, my French husband whom I met while living in Colombia. We lived in Iran in 1978-79 with daughter Mary-Laure who was only 1 year old, during very difficult times for this most beautiful country.
Then on to Kenya, an African heaven, where daughter Celine arrived when she was three months old.
We didn't know what was in store for us then! Iraq, where we lived for three exciting fantastic years from 1982 to 1985.
Had never been to Asia yet, but that's what was coming next, as we headed for Beijing in 1986 and where we lived through Tian An Men (1989) and more.
In 1992 we moved to Hong Kong, Taiwan and then back to France ...
My life is travel and travel is my life... my suitcase is always ready!
Bon voyage!
Oh, how difficult, I wish I could nominate all the blogs I visit regularly, but I have to narrow down to seven .. so these are my Kreative Bloggers:
1 What I like Laura's blog is a goldmine of tips, places, references, and posts that you will enjoy.
2 Yesterday Today and Tomorrow Blogger Titania delects me with pictures from her Australian garden. And this busy lady runs several other blogs!
3 Elra's cooking Whether you visit Elra's baking, Elra's cooking, or Elra's garden, you're for a fun ride!
4 Click Clack Naphtali likes creating, so here's an award for her!
5 Anncoo because I love Singapore and I love the dishes she presents
6 Chow and Chatter A Brit living in America, worth your visit, just click!
7. Spangler Cummings A delightful blogger from Malibu who shares with us her exquisite taste for art - and her knowledge!
And Dear New Kreative fellow bloggers, these are the rules:
1- Thank the person who awarded you
2- Copy the logo and paste it on your blog
3- Link to the person who nominated you for the award
4- Name (up to 7) things about yourself that people might find interesting
5- Nominate (up to 7) other Kreativ Bloggers
6- Post links to the blogs you nominate
7- Leave a comment on each of the blogs to let them know they’ve been nominated
Love to all.

Anncoo, I love your blog and dream of going back to Singapore to be invited to your table!!! Thank you for loving my blog .. I love yours!
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