
This rare orange teapot made by Wedgwood in 1765 and decorated with messages "Success to Trade in America" and "No Stamp Act" was sold at auction in Derby for £69,000.
Auctioneer Charles Hanson said: "Something like this is maybe a once-in-a-lifetime experience for an auctioneer.
"In all my years I can honestly say I have never been so excited. It's an amazing story.
"The reserve price had been set at £4,000 and I didn't really expect it to sell for much more than £5,000.
"The price kept going higher and higher and there just did not seem to be any letting up.
"When the final price reached £69,000, the whole crowd applauded."

Taken from http://teapotsteapotsteapots.blogspot.com/

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