Only Count the Happy Hours

Little details make our home meaningful to us. Our space is where we create comfort, beauty, and a sense of place, not only for ourselves, but for our family and friends. These little details frequently extend to our outside environment: our yard and garden. Adding statues or sundials to our garden helps to create a point of interest, even during the cold months of winter. Imagine a sundial with snow gracing it's surfaces? Or a statue of a bunny hidden among a sleeping garden and covered with a coating of frost. Although the winter months have chased the garden into dormancy, the sundial still counts away the hours and adds center to the space. Have you ever given a sundial much thought? Although not very large, they are sturdy and enduring. Usually made of brass, they are a solid and timeless piece that counts the hours in the day. Generally sundials are enhanced by a verse that is added to it's face. Some are simple, like this one: "Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be." Or this one: "I only count the happy hours." Sometimes the verse adds humor to the day of the reader. This verse is an example: "She doesn't say tick, she doesn't say tack, she has no bell, she has no beat, if the sun is shining she works, and if it's raining she stops." Isn't that the truth.

While we are speaking of happy hours, I would like to invite you to stop by a place where I am writing about children.  I'd enjoy your visit and if you'd leave a comment there, it would make me so happy!  

Be blessed today! 

PS:  Thanks for the head's up regarding the broken link.  It's fixed now.  Much appreciation to those who commented and let me know.
Thank you for visiting Gracious Hospitality. Please come back soon!

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