Organic Green Dragon Review

Type: Green
Origin: China
Price: Sample (regular price - $9.95 for 15 pouches)
Vendor: Mighty Leaf
Brewing Method: 1 pouch, 1 cup of filtered water, heated to 170°F-180°F, steeped for 1-3 minutes.
Overall Score: 4.4 out of 5

Organic Green Dragon consists of high-grade Chinese Longjing green tea leaves. I was excited to see nice, big, whole leaves in the pouch when I opened the package. The leaves were a beautiful dark green color. The aroma of the dry leaves was more buttery than grassy.

The aroma of the brew is very nutty and buttery. There is still a hint of grassiness in the background. The liquor is a light yellow color.

The taste was a 180 from the aroma. I could taste the grassiness of the green tea first, and then was left with the slightly sweet, buttery, nutty taste. The nuttiness of the tea reminds me a lot of Dragon Well, but with twice the nutty flavor.

I would say it is a brisk, but mild, light bodied tea. I thought the tea was a tad astringent and little bitter. However, I brewed this tea for 2.5 minutes, so I think brewing it at 1 or 1.5 minutes might take away that bitterness. I could feel the drying affect in my mouth, however, it didn’t bother me any.

I really like that this tea is organic and the only ingredient is the Chinese Longjing. That means I know exactly what I am drinking and I don’t have to worry about any evil natural flavors. In conclusion, this tea was put on the list of “greens to buy.”

Taken from

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