A Tea Party with Tea Dyed Tees

An exciting package arrived safe and sound in my P.O. Box the other day. Its arrival signaled that the time for a special tea party was here. When I got it home and opened the box, Little Yellow Teapot began to dance around and go “Toot toot!”, having seen that the package was from Tea Dyed Tees, a company that uses tea as a dye to create unique clothing, accessories, and gifts. (He thinks anything tea-related is for him alone.)

As you can see, Janis of Tea Dyed Tees had gift-wrapped everything in purple tissue paper and tied with a pretty ribbon.


Inside were two scarves (the one on the right is 100% cotton and the one on the left is 100% rayon) and what I think is a headband, but my head’s a bit — uh, well, the first word that comes to mind is “fat” but I’ll say “large” instead.


After snapping the photo above, hubby and I turned away for a few minutes to put the tea kettle on the stove to make some tea. When we turned back Little Yellow Teapot had nestled himself into the middle of the two scarves and put the headband on (he thinks it looks like some kind of award and has declared himself the #1 teapot in our house).


When the tea was ready, we laid out the treats and poured a cuppa or two of tea. Next thing we knew, one of the teacups had claimed the cotton scarf as her own and was all cozy with it wrapped around her. Okay now, things were going a bit too far. We had to put our foot down. Scarves are for humans.


To get things back on track, I put the rayon scarf on my own head and modeled it for that teacup to give her the idea. I’m not sure she got it, but I had to give it a try. At least she let me sip the tea out of her. I think she liked that the scarf had the Chinese symbol for “tea” repeated on it like a pattern.


To Tea Dyed Tees we all say “Thanks!” As lovers of tea, both hubby and I appreciate having an item or two made with tea, especially when it’s someone else’s (we like to drink OUR tea).

The company does custom items, too, so you can get an item that suits you “to a tea”!

Note: Treat each item with care. The instructions on the back of the postcard-sized card recommends hand-washing, ironing if needed, and avoiding stain removers like bleach and oxy agents, since the items are dyed by hand.

Taken from http://teatimewithaccargill.blogspot.com/

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