CQ HQ: September 2007

Isn't it nice to take a break? At first, I felt a little guilty about my month off from Cuisine Quotidienne; now I realize how much I needed a little time to just THINK about blogging!

I am back from seven weeks in the USA, and my head is full of plenty of ideas for the coming months.

A little reorganization of my personal blogosphere may be in order. Some of you know that I write three other blogs: La France Profonde, And So Forth, plus a new effort on Typepad called My European Scrapblog.

I also have an almost-full-time teaching job and do a little bit of professional writing on the side...and oh yes, there's my family! You can see that my life can get awfully busy. So with a new school year on the horizon, I always try to faire le ménage, or do a little clean-up...literally and figuratively.

I am definitely going to continue with FP, which is by far my most popular blog. ASF will stay open as a catch-all when I want to play Sunday Scribblings or Ten on Tuesday, but I'm not sure how much effort I will put into it this school year.

As for My European Scrapblog, I am torn -- the few posts I have written have been very interesting to do, and I think it could fit into a nice niche. But I'm not getting used to Typepad that quickly and, of course, I'm wondering if I will really have time to keep it up...and pay for it to boot.

Shouldn't I be cooking instead?

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