Steamy Subject Encore

My last posts on steam cooking piqued some interest in how I use my great steam cooking machine. Actually, this is my second one and I have been cooking with this type of electric steamer for years. At first the process seemed mysterious and complex, so I ran out and bought a bunch of cookbooks, which haven't proved all that useful. Too many of the recipes contain non-steaming cooking steps, and some just don't appeal. So I have learned to create my own steamed creations which are usually simple and delicious.

Here's a step-by-step view of one Saturday's steamed vegetables.

Cut up, wash or otherwise prepare whatever fresh vegetables are around:

Garnish with seasoned salt (I'm a big fan of vanilla salt for just about everything) and a pile of fresh herbs, such as this savory from my "garden."

It's ready to go....

...onto the windowsill, which is where my steam cooking usually happens. This is a great way to get cooking outside when it's hot, as it can get in Aveyron.

The result that day: a simple but very tasty vegetable dish. Okay, the family did complain that there weren't enough potatoes! But I was emptying out the larder before our trip to the USA!

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