Jasmine Dream Sorbet


If you read my blog you probably already know that I have a love affair with Tavalon’s Jasmine Dream tea. The last time I logged it on Steepster I asked if anyone had any recipes that used jasmine tea. One of my Steepster peeps came through with a whole list of them but the one that intrigued me the most was sorbet. This is the recipe I used:

  • 3 cups water

  • 2 1/2 tablespoons fine-quality jasmine tea leaves

  • 3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar

In a small saucepan bring water to a boil. Add tea leaves and remove pan from heat. Cover pan and steep tea 5 minutes. Add sugar, stirring until dissolved, and strain tea through a fine sieve into a bowl. Chill tea, covered, until cold and freeze in an ice-cream maker. Sorbet may be made 1 week ahead.

I lack an ice cream maker for reasons unknown to me so I had to wing it once the mixture was made. My freezer doesn’t work so great which worked out because it kept it from getting totally solid. Once it was frozen I beat it into submission with an immersion blender. It definitely took some elbow grease but it came looking pretty close to sorbet. The taste….left a little to be desired. At first it tasted great but had this bitter aftertaste that I just couldn’t shake. I think I am on the right track though. Next time I’ll try less sugar and a cooler steeping temperature.

Taken from http://teaformeplease.blogspot.com/

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