Inside the Kitchen--Elizabeth Falkner

Funny and down to earth Pastry Chef Elizabeth Falkner surprised us this morning by cooking two savory dishes in addition to a knock-out dessert. She said most people don't know she cooks savory dishes too. She especially likes that savory dishes are consumed right away and don't just sit around. Here's what she said:

"I don't make ice cream sundaes every day, ok, I might, but I've still gotta eat!"

Falkner regaled us with stories about her experiences cooking on the Iron Chef, her California influenced philosophy on food and the concept for her new restaurant, something she is calling "California Avant-Garde". The dishes she made were inspired by the end of Summer and a bit of a hangover cure--Prawns, Avocado, Corn Dust and Bloody Mary Sorbet, and also the beginning of Fall with a Maple Spice Pork Tenderloin with a Sweet Potato Succotash. Both were delicious, but her dessert was "wow"!

For dessert she made a parfait of coconut tapioca, chocolate ganache, and "shagged" ice cream. To shag ice cream you scoop it and roll it toasted coconut. The tapioca was infused with tropical flavors of ginger and lemongrass and was not too sweet. Perfect for our 11:30 in the morning snack. Looking forward to seeing her compete in the afternoons chef competition. More later...


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