Is it May already??

I cannot believe that 3 (or more) weeks have past since I last was able to write something. I'm in the midst of trying to get the right to have my own business here in France and it is proving to be a nightmare. Also I leave for a 3 and 1/2 week trip to the States tomorrow at 7 am from an airport an hour and a half away so that means we have to be out of the house at 4:15 in the morning. I'm tired just thinking about the loss of sleep!
I travel to New Orleans first. I haven't been there since Katrina and I know my heart will be broken by the devastation. Then off to northern California for a family event. I plan on enjoying my friends and family, shopping at Target and a wonderful little shop in the French Quarter called Hemline and eating lots of shrimp and oysters. I hope to have some time to write and forget about french bureaucracy for a few weeks.
A bientôt.

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