...and a Return To

I have been home for three days now, and have come back with great enthusiasm about cooking. It's also a return to:

- Not much in the refrigerator, which led to a heinous grocery shopping trip at our local E.Leclerc supermarket. I had chosen Monday afternoon as a fairly safe time to faire mes courses. I was wrong. As my daughter so rightly put it "I guess there are so many people here because the stores aren't open 24 hours a day like in the USA."

- French cheese in all its glory. Now I know you can buy a lot of good cheese in the USA these days. But of course I never do. So much as I did enjoy Tillamook Cheddar and string cheese, it's time to get back to the real stuff.

- Great wines at half the American prices. Once again, I hasten to defend American wine and wine in America. I drink nothing but excellent wine there -- but find I have to pay the price.

- A lot of ideas for the "rentrée" -- that back-to-school, back-from-vacation time which seems much better suited to resolutions than New Year's. One of them is to keep working hard on this blog. Thanks for reading!

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