Easter Starter

Virtually all special French meals include a starter (entrée), and I'm a big fan of salads for this course. So I was pleased that the Elle à table menu which I had decided to prepare for Easter would get off to a green start. Also, some form of regular eggs -- as opposed to American-style Easter eggs -- are usually included in a French Easter meal, so this salad definitely fit the bill.

I told you in my previous post that I followed the menu to the letter, but of course that isn't really true; the suggested starter salad, "jeunes poireaux et asperges tièdes, oeufs mollets au parmesan," didn't arrive "à table" in its recipe form for a few different reasons.

In fact, of the four ingredients in the recipe title, only one really made it into my salad. But I can explain!

First, the recipe called for baby leeks, but I couldn't find any at the fruit and vegetable stand where I did my shopping. Since I am against running all over town to find an ingredient, both for time and ecological reasons, and since I knew I had a bag of fava beans (fèves) from Picard in the freezer, the leeks were replaced on the spot.

Hmmm, if I describe all of the changes, this post is going to get way too long...

Can you find the other two differences?

Recipe title translation: "baby leeks and warm asparagus, soft-boiled eggs with parmesan."

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