Every Picture Tells a Story

I've been having a lot of fun with my CQ posts lately, which is a nice contrast to the angst I was experiencing in early February.

For example, when I posted my last "Tasty Tidbit" post, I had totally forgotten that the mystery photo was a recipe from one of my favorite bloggers, SpacedLaw. So it gave me a chuckle when she was the first to comment, saying "Quiche Lorraine? This one looks like a version with zucchini inside."

Actually, SpacedLaw, it was your own tempting recipe for "Torta Rustica." I more or less followed the instructions, although I didn't have ham on hand, so I used lardons instead.

Alisa from Los Angeles, who will soon be living in Aveyron for a year (!) definitely wanted the recipe. So, Alisa, you can find it now -- but feel free to modify! I don't think I ever follow a recipe to the letter.

That's the way I like to see my cooking and this blog -- not a big, organized extravaganza, but rather throwing ideas together depending on ingredients on hand and recipes that have caught my eye.

Making and reinforcing connections with people through the process is the icing on the cake.

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