CQ HQ July 2007

June flitted away too fast, and my cooking plans too often went by the wayside in a flurry of dance recitals, birthday celebrations, and professional changes.

Now I am practically on vacation, and will be flying off to spend the summer in the USA from July 5th until August 29th.

My parents now have a PC, and I plan to continue CQ, La France Profonde and And So Forth from Olympia, Washington.

I haven't told my parents, but I even have cooking plans for the holidays. As soon as I get back to the States, I'm going to buy Patricia Wells' new cookbook, Vegetable Harvest, and try out some of her recipes with produce from the Olympia Farmers' Market.

I'll definitely be hosting "Mid-Month Meal Inspiration" again too, so start bookmarking promising recipes published from July 1st-July 15th on your favorite blogs.

Finally, if you look at my sidebar, you'll see a new feature: The Foodie Blogroll. Even though this is a huge list, it has brought in a few more visitors and is a fun way to quickly and randomly check out a variety of food blogs.

As you can see, I have lots of projects in store for Cuisine Quotidienne despite my lack of blogging and cooking activity in June.

What are your summer plans -- cooking, blogging or other?

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