French Women Don't Get Fat -- or Do They?

One of my summer reads is French Women Don't Get Fat by Mireille Guiliano. I'm not looking to lose weight, but I was interested in her take on French cuisine -- although skeptical, as usual, of anyone making a fortune off cutesy Frenchness.

I take it all back! First, she has already made her fortune as CEO of Clicquot, Inc. , and I can feel positive about a business magnate who pushes champagne.

Second, the book is well written, clever and just plain fun to read for anyone who loves food, French, France -- oh yes, or diets.

Finally, I can sympathize with her plight of gaining weight as an exchange student -- except it happened to me when I was a university student in France! All of the pains au chocolat proved to be too much for me and I came home from four months in France having gained well over 10 pounds.

However, I have read that French women ARE getting fat due to the increasing use of the convenience foods Guiliano eschews. And I am certainly seeing a few chubby dames in France these days. So being French may not suffice. But I'm happy that Guiliano's book has fueled renewed interest in French cuisine.

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