The Prisma Presse group publishes three cooking magazines: Guide Cuisine, Cuisine Actuelle and Cuisine Gourmande. The latter is the most upscale title of the trio, and focuses more on dinner invitations, decoration and creative cooking. Sometimes their creativity goes a bit overboard, as in the recipe for Brownies de betterave (Beet Brownies) found in the January-February 2006 issue. I'm all for finding more imaginative ways to use beets, but I'm not sure including them in brownies is one of them. Besides the beet feature, the January Cuisine Gourmande presents ideas for celebrating Chinese New Year and for using cinnamon, which is relatively rare in French cooking. The cover story announces the "eternal comeback" of bistro cooking, and the magazine leads off with "La recette dont on parle," or the recipe that everyone is talking about: Compote de cranberries et crème coco, or Cranberry and Coconut Cream Compote.
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