CQ HQ January 2008

The holidays are over. No more foie gras and champagne -- all right, they're not to be ruled out! But they won't be sliced and poured as freely as they were over the last few weeks. Sigh.

So much for endings. Now for beginnings: Cuisine Quotidienne is off to a new start. I'm planning to change its format a bit, focusing more on ingredients and what becomes of them in everyday French cooking rather than taking the "this is what I made today" approach.

I also hope to get back to more coverage of French cooking magazines and cookbooks. This was part of my original plan for CQ, but it somehow got buried among all the photos of "great stuff I had cooked and just had to blog about."

Also, you may notice on the sidebar that I have joined a new blogging network as a featured publisher: Foodbuzz. I don't know a lot yet about what this will entail, but I like the feel of the site -- for example, I think my profile looks pretty spiffy. I'm hoping this affiliation will boost me to post more often.

Blogging aside, my cooking goals for January are simply to get back into a more regular routine. Between a very busy first few weeks of December and the holidays, the kitchen is definitely out of kilter!

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