Searching for a new direction

Apparently last May I was cooking dishes that looked like this.

I think I've even already blogged about this lovely navarin de poisson, but I'm not going to link back to it. So there!

This week, I tossed frozen quiche lorraine into the oven, made a pasta gratin, a très basique soup, and risotto, each served with either pâté or the very simplest of salads.

All right, it tasted pretty good. But it's not quite up to my culinary objectives for this school year.

The problem is, this school year is looking to be pretty busy.

I think 2008 will have to ring in a new direction for CQ. I'm not quite sure where I'll go, but the "peruse cookbooks, decide what to cook, shop, cook, take photos, then blog -- preferably including the recipe -- about that delicious dish" format is proving a tad bit unwieldy for me.

In addition, it's not quite what I originally intended CQ to be.

Now mind you, I do have a few visitors out there -- 21,173 hits as I write.
Readers, friends, gawkers and lurkers -- your suggestions about the future of Cuisine Quotidienne are welcome.

In the meantime, I'm planning to spend the rest of 2007 going through my archived CQ photos and posting the most interesting ones that have never been used --and maybe a few that have been!

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