Roquefort: So Much of a Good Thing!

Aveyron is the land of Roquefort cheese, and it often surprises me that so many Americans have heard of Roquefort, but so few have heard of the area it comes from.

Since my husband gets gifts of food from the farmers he advises, such as the free foie gras I blogged about a few posts back, our larder is usually brimming with Roquefort. Seldom used in salad dressings in France, Roquefort is more likely to make its way into egg dishes and sauces, as well as starring on the cheese platter.

I often have more of it around than I know what to do with, especially since I am plagued by a problem of family tastes: one of my daughters does not like it. And when people don't like Roquefort, they usually have a true aversion to it...which is the case with my eldest.

But when I have a plan B for the non-Roquefort-loving child, the other members of my family savor all types of Roquefort-filled recipes:

Roquefort and ham clafoutis from Les Clafoutis de Christophe,

and my personal favorite: pasta with Roquefort sauce.

We also enjoy it sprinkled over Belgian endive or beet salad.

But we are truly ALWAYS looking for new ideas for using Roquefort. Of course I discovered dozens of recipes while looking for the above links -- which are approximate versions of my own dishes -- but it's always more fun to hear suggestions from fellow bloggers!

So, imagine I send you a big hunk of our excess Roquefort. What would you do with it?

(Photo courtesy of Xavier Fromage, Toulouse's finest purveyor of cheeses. Click here to visit the shop's site in English.)

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