Smoked Salmon for Breakfast

Salmon on Wasa 2 (1 of 1)

In theory, breakfast is my absolute hands-down favorite meal. In practice, it's either non-existent, boring old milk and cereal, or a piece of fruit grabbed off the counter. So even though I'm not one much for resolutions, I like the idea of a good breakfast. Last time R and I were in Norway I was struck by the fact that Norwegians really know how to do breakfast. There was a spread every morning of whole grain Wasa crackers on which we loaded various toppings from cheese, jam, cold cuts with lettuce and tomato, chunks of crab, herring, even little mini shrimp. I mean, it's like a real meal. With real food that's actually good for you. Imagine.

Salmon on Wasa (1 of 1)

So when browsing around the various food blogs and sites, I started link hopping and ended up on Bon Appetite's New Year's Food-Lover's Cleanse. Ugh with the resolutions, I know. But I have to give credit where it's due, and the idea fits so well with this blog and its Norwegian leanings. Not to mention that I frickin' love smoked salmon. And I love it even more when it's laying on a dollop of plain yogurt that's been mixed with chives and a little red onion.

Which is why the Norwegian tradition of these little open-faced cracker things is so genius. If you whisk up the yogurt mixture the night before, they're a completely assemble-and-go affair. And of course, you don't have to save them for breakfast. I find myself craving them constantly.

Smoked Salmon for Breakfast
Adopted from Bon Appetite's Food-Lover's Cleanse

Wasa crackers, your favorite variety
1 cup low-fat (or not, it's up to you) plain yogurt
1/4 small red onion, diced
Handful of chives, minced
Slices of smoked salmon

Whisk together the yogurt, onion and chives. Spread a dollop of the yogurt mixture on each Wasa cracker and then lay a slice of smoked salmon on top. Enjoy!

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