Things I'm Taking Back to France

Before each trip to the States we have a look around the house and (mainly) the kitchen to make The List.

Last trip it included;
tofu for making Szechuan mapo tofu
Reese's Pieces for our young, English neighbors
tea for Riana
Crystal Hot Sauce-I have a love affair with this stuff
hominy for making posole, a Mexican soup that includes pork, avocado, lime and cilantro
clothes and shoes I'd ordered with a gift card
and not on the list-a virus I caught on the airplane

This trip I have a lot more space in my luggage;
Airborne to keep me from getting sick again when I fly home!
Emergen C-same as above
bagels for my husband-his great love
chili powder for it's obvious use
dried chili peppers to use in recipes from Rick Bayless's Mexican Kitchen
Reese's Pieces (the girls ate the last bag in three days!)
Karo Syrup because I sometimes need it
assorted birthday cards as they are difficult to come by in our little corner of France and usually really expensive
peanut brittle from the Davenport Hotel here in Spokane, Washington-addictive and divine
rewritable DVD's as they cost a fortune in France
M A C lipstick in Odyssey
cans of chipotles in adobo sauce for use in dozens of recipes
Snoqualmie Falls Lodge oatmeal-never mushy

As soon as I have a chance to get to the grocery store I know I'll find many more items and end up with a suitcase that I can barely zip shut. It happens every time.

My mom is doing much better and should be going home from the hospital today. She'll be so happy to be home and her cat will be very happy to have her there!

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