Oeuf a la coque 4 you (soft boiled eggs) - Laura's giveaway!

I was looking for a good "recipe of the month" in my website's database of recipes and was so happy to see tat I have many recipes from bloggers! Thank you to all of you!
But I did not find something "suitable" for my mood!
Then this morning I was at the Christmas Market in the Champs Elysees with a friend, it was a cold early December day,the sun was low .. and we had one glass of vin chaud!
What a good diea ... a Vin Chaud or hot wine ...
Find my recipe on the right side of the blog or in my website!\

I found in the market these lovely "coquetiers" (soft boiled egg holders) and I thought of you all!

Black is very trendy in the "arts de la table" (everything related to the table, tablecloths, decorations, chinaware, glassware, silverware ..) and these have a Paris touch with the Eiffel Tower in white.

What do you think?
Leave a comment in this post in they can be yours! I will draw a winner by December 8, when I come back from Istanbul - I will mail them so that you get them before Christmas! Bonne chance!

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