Poached pears for dessert and an AWARD!

Last Sunday I had family for lunch. Everything was ready, and this was my menu:
Thin tomato tart *
Whole free range chicken with 24 garlic cloves in their robe
Saffron rice with steamed carrots
Endive salad with hazlenut oil and cider vingear
Auvergne platter of cheese **
Jean-Louis had prepared a 2005 Graves de Vayres from Chateau Haut Mongeat in Bordeaux
... and for dessert? What on earth was I going to serve for dessert????
Oh, I was short of insipartion and didn't want to go out to do extra shopping.
I looked arround my kitchen and saw a couple of beautiful Williams pears or Bartlett pears as they are called in North America. These pears have so much flavor - and a perfect pear shape! I had seen a pear tart at the pastry shop when I went to get our baguette, and I could do one .. but with a tart as an appetizer, how was I going to serve a tart for dessert? Plus, with this already rich meal, adding almond powder, eggs and cream was not my idea of dessert.

I decided to peel the pears, cut them in two, removing the center, and poach them in a light vanilla scented sirup made with brown sugar. I cooked them until they were soft. I removed them from the pan, let them cool, and cut them in thin slices, keeping them together ... I flatten the half pears a bit to discover the fan like structure ...
I had a few Dutch waffles left from my last trip to Amsterdam, so I placed one half pear on top of a waffle, plus 1/4 of the vanilla bean on top of each one to decoarte .. plus a little bit of the sirup ... The most"gourmand" accepted my proposal of chocolate ice cream aside. Delicious!

*confit tomatoes, fried onions, emmental cheese, mozzarella di buffala all over a thin puff pastry crust, plus some herbs and olive oil on top
** Auvgergne is in the center of France and has a rich variety of cheeses, among them these that I chose to present: Old Cantal or Laguiole, Farmer Saint Nectaire, Blue d'Auvergne (cow milk)

And now, an Award!!!

Tina, who shares many different things of her life, including her taste for food, with her readers through her lively blog Life in the slow lane at Squirrel Head Manor has honored me with an award for which I am very grateful. True is that I browse regularly a list of blogs I enjoy reading because they are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Of course I read more than eight, usually on weekends. I'm sharing with you the last wight blogs I have visited and hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Give all your attention to these bloggers, photopgraphers, and writers.

Here are the blogs I invite to join us:

1. Blogger (and daughter) MaryLaure for her stylish, classy, well written, and modern Aurea (hope you do not mind another award!)
2. Blogger Titania who writes from Australia her more than delicious blog Yesterday Today and Tomorrow (visit it now to learn about persimmons)
3. Blogger Joie de Vivre, who with joy shares with us her Gourmet's Guide .. and bears its name to perfection (if you're feeling down, go and visit her).
4. Blogger Martine, who lives in the beautiful Baleares Islands and tells us about her life in her blog in Spanish
5. Blogger (and photographer) Christina Soul Aperture who claims being, among other things, a culinary goddess (and I love it!)
6. Blogger Mindy, who loves to cook, to try new recipes, and documents her successes (and failures) and shares them with a note of humor in her blog Mindy's Mouthful. (she's on vacation right now) .
7. Blogger Rina who is saying farewell to summer (yes, summer, Rina lives in Chile) and welcomes Fall in her well designed blog
8. Blogger Spangler Cummings who has visited not less than 553 cities and tap dances in her blog and in life!

To work dear fellow bloggers! Follow the thread ...
The award reads: "These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated."It also says : "Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

>>>March 23 UPDATE: Sorry Tina, I had scheduled this post for March 18 and it's obvious that I did something wrong as I found it today, unpublished, in my posts list. I have updated some infromation and am publishing it now. Thank you.

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