The Simple Things

I live in a gorgeous agricultural region where the markets abound with local food products. So it really is a pity that my quick, school-night meals sometimes revolve around frozen foods from the Picard chain.

This school year, I have decided to try out more of the ready-made food products available from local farmers. Sausage and pâtés are stars of Aveyron's farm food show, and are traditionally served as a starter he in the French countryside.

My family has a little trouble swallowing protein upon protein, though, so if we indulge in a local meat treat, it usually becomes part of our main course.

Saturday we tried out some locally-made fritons de porc.

I must admit that I have generally avoided fritons de porc, which somehow translated in my mind to "fat and more fat."

How wrong I was! The above fritons were smooth, creamy and contained just enough fat to keep them moist.

Spread onto fresh bread, they made a perfect pair with steamed red potatoes...and that main course duo gave me time to experiment with a new starter.

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