Joël Robuchon and American cooking gadgets

I don't have many "written by famous chef" cookbooks, but I was intrigued by an interview on Zagat with Joël Robuchon about the above book, which looks like this in its UK edition:

The first thing that piqued my curiousity is that I can see from the description that the book is translated, but I can't quite figure out from which work in French.

I was also interested in your reactions to what Robuchon says in the interview about the difference between the number of kitchen gadgets in American and French homes:
"One thing I have always noticed throughout my years is that Americans always have so much more equipment in the home than the French do. Even now. You walk into an American home kitchen and they have a garlic peeler, an egg cracker and all sorts of gadgets. The average French home cook has a pan, a knife and a whisk."

Do you agree with him?

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