Twas a Dark and Stormy Night....

Well, not really.
Dark and windy night, yes!

Luckily I have a couple portions of Boeuf Bourguignon in the freezer that I made a week ago. I'm not in the mood to cook.
On the side, instead of polenta or steamed potatoes, tonight I'm making a side of Ebly.

Ebly? What the hell is Ebly, you might ask.
Those of you living in France (or the rest of Europe?) will most likely know about these little grains of pre-cooked wheat.
Ebly - Tendre Blé
I don't know how processed this stuff is. The box and the website says it's full of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Doesn't matter to me, I love it!

There's even a recipe on their site for Ebly Carbonara that is surprisingly quite good. (sorry, it's in French)

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