Bucky Loves Catnip

Summer herbs have grown proficiently and any gathering and harvesting needs to be completed soon. I've brought some of my favorites into the house so I can have fresh basil, sage, thyme, rosemary, and stevia for a few of the winter months. And some I am gathering and cutting to dry and store. Bucky also loves herbs! He can be a pretty independent kitty until the catnip comes out! After I sprinkle some on a heart-shaped rug on the porch, he immediately looses focus, forgetting the world and becomes the most tranquil kitty ever. He becomes lost in its hypnotic effect. After ten minutes or so of pure enjoyment, Bucky wanders off to sleep. Catnip is a member of the mint family. To learn more, go to the Cat World website. Interesting stuff!

In humans, catnip (which is safe to ingest) acts as a mild sedative and is usually taken as herbal tea. It's used in cooking and to treat symptoms like headaches, coughs, and insomnia. Catnip is also a powerful defense against mosquitoes, being ten times more potent than popular commercial mosquito repellents. Just some trivia for the day!

Be blessed and enjoy life today!

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Taken from http://www.gracioushospitality.blogspot.com/

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