All about cheese!

Did you know cheese was first invented in Mesopotamia & India in 15C B.C.?
Did you know the word "fromage" dates back to the 15C?
Did you know there are over 350 types of cheese in France ?
And .. do you know how cheese is made?
Do you know how to pair it with wine?
This and more is what participants in our All About Cheese Atelier explore when they take the class!

We start with a coffee and a cheese quizz! We discuss our cheese options and typically every participant chooses a type of cheese.

Then we go to one of the best cheese shops in Paris where, with the help of our award winning "Maitre fromager" (cheese master), we select the various cheeses to sample.

After we have our bounty, we come to my studio to enjoy our "plateau de fromage" (cheese board) with a salad and three different types of wine: one red, one dry white, one sweet white ... and we discuss about our cheessy sensations while we learn All about cheese.
Our last workshop brought a variety of flavors and challenges!

Our group settled for

Saint Felicien, soft cow milk, (top in the clay pot)

Epoisses, from Burgundy

Pyrennees with sheep milk

Mimolette, aged 24 months, cow milk

Roquefort, sheep milk

A goat cheese from Poitou.

All About Cheese ateliers are scheduled once every 6 weeks.

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