My Pantry

We have a pretty small kitchen in our little house. Not as tiny as many Parisian, New York, Roman, London, San Franciscan (you get the idea) apartment kitchens, but small nevertheless.
And I cook. A lot. Having a well stocked pantry makes life a lot easier when I just want to throw something together for lunch and it's Sunday and nothing is open except for the boulangerie and the local wine co-op. One can only survive on bread and wine for so long...

Our kitchen doesn't have a pantry. I would love one big space to store canned food and spices. It doesn't even have one cupboard big enough to accommodate all the basics (if you consider a huge can of Nopales I bought two years ago and haven't found a use for yet, a "basic") so three of the six cupboards in our little kitchen are bursting with foodstuffs.

The "world food" corner. The giant green and yellow can with the Amigos label are the Nopales. I would appreciate ANY recipe ideas using these!

The baking cupboard is crammed with several different types of flour and dark brown, light brown and white sugar, chocolate, dried fruit and nuts.

Then we have the hot sauce and vinegar shelf. Why do we have so many hot sauces for god's sake? On the far left is homemade red wine vinegar made in my vinaigrier.

The third cupboard is full of canned tomatoes, dried beans and lentils, pasta, a giant box to PG Tips tea from England, more hot sauce, dog treats and other, currently forgotten items tucked away in the back. I need to clean this one out and see what's in there.

The very over crowded spice shelf.

I've made the space work for me. I find that the less room you have, the more organized you need to be so I try to keep it that way.
It isn't the kitchen of my dreams but it is a kitchen in France, and that is a dream!

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