Mutt Lynch Winery

Sitting here in Schiphol Airport, waiting for my flight to Seattle so I decided to rent a computer for an hour. This is a post I started a couple of days ago but didn't have time to finish.

There are some great pet stores in New Orleans so whenever I go back I like to check out all the fun and frivolous pet stuff that I don't see in our corner of France.
One of my favorite's, maybe having two chihuahua's has something to do with it, is a quirky little shop in the French Quarter called Chi-wa-wa Ga-ga, "A Small Store for Dinky Dogs". The owner, Angel, is a really cool woman who carries her very mellow chihuahua, Angelo, around in her bag. She takes him to movies and everything! He loves to go along and does very well to not call attention to himself.
While browsing in some shops out on Magazine street I came across another tempting shop called Petcetera. This place is jam packed with everything you need and didn't know that you needed for your cats and dogs. They offer a free, locally published magazine called Urban Dog which has some interesting articles and some ad's that really caught my attention.
Like the one for a winery with dogs on the label. I decided to have a look at their website...

Out in Sonoma County, California, live a dog-loving couple with a sense of humor who have created a winery called Mutt Lynch Winery. Now I'm not a great fan of California wine, but I am a lover of dogs and think their less than serious approach to wine making is refreshing.
Their labels are fantastic!

I read some reviews of their wine, which are consistently good. I hope to buy a bottle for myself while I'm in the States and give it a try.

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