Caught in my own trap

Once I told you all that last week's "mystery dish" was actually a classic dish and that the recipe was from a famous cookbook, a lot more guesses came in -- all wrong, of course, but who can blame the guessers?

My version of osso bucco from The New Basics Cookbook was hardly respectful of the Rosso and Lukins recipe, nor of osso bucco recipes in general.

Where are the round veal shanks generally associated with the dish?

Well, my butcher didn't really have the proper cut on hand, so I improvised by slicing the veal meat off the end of a shank that he had sold me for a good price...

Why so many vegetables, especially zucchini, when the recipe usually only calls for onions?

Because I had them on hand...and vegetables are good for you, right? In France, we're being overrun with posters telling us to eat at least five fruits and vegetables a day, so my osso bucco modification was a healthy one!

But I can definitely see why no one got the right call on the recipe! It simply looks nothing like the usual photos of the dish, and probably didn't really deserve to bear its name.

Thanks for trying...

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