March Memories and Guessing Game

I've been a little negative about March, but it is just about over. So I'll try to focus on the positive culinary memories -- and there were a few. Looking over my "March 2007" photo file, I found some lovely dishes that turned out quite nicely, thank you.

- Two of them are basic French classics.

- One was a "French" recipe, found in Elle à Table, likely inspired by an American classic.

- One represents the way I like to pep up frozen vegetables. (Yes, I do use them sometimes because my life is not spent shopping at outdoor markets -- sorry to disappoint!)

As you can see, March's cuisine quotidienne was still in a wintery vein here. Tomorrow, we are going away for three days to a gîte in the Tarn department and I hope that when we come back, spring will have sprung for good in Aveyron!

In the meantime, any tries at this quadruple, but simple, guessing game will be appreciated!

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