Quiche Comeback?

What with years of "real men don't eat..." jokes and the dish's ubiquity in American restaurants, the subject of quiche could be considered passé. But in France, quiche is back in style, albeit under the name of tarte salée. The latter is a broader term: a tarte salée may or may not contain eggs, whereas a quiche does.

The clearest sign of a "quiche comeback" is that Sophie Dudemaine, whom some call the French Martha Stewart, published a book about tartes salées in April 2005.

Personally, I have always made quiche and tartes salées in France, and have rarely used a recipe. The above quiche aux champignons is a delicious way to use fresh mushrooms of any variety. I only used two eggs and a few tablespoons of crème fraîche, so it was quite thin.

I could be chic and call it une tarte fine, but I prefer to give some credit to the concept of quiche!

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